Monday, January 22, 2007


By definition, integrity is the steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. I view integrity as more of a skill. As with all skills, they are developed and learned over time, kind of like math. I believe that this is also true with integrity. Integrity must endure years of exposure because integrity is not necessarily inherent with a person's personality. Integrity is a reference or goal that is used to make decisions that are both affiliated with truth and honesty. The foundation of our integrity is formed when we are younger and continues to be built as we grow old. Certain events that occur in our life add support the building of our integrity. I also believe that it is critical to note that integrity can be lost or compromised beyond recognition in a person's life. If you come to this point in your life, you need to pick yourself up and help to restructure your building blocks. In the end, integrity holds our true values and it is up to us to let them out.


Ashley R. Lusk said...

I think that this entry is very interesting--that integrity is a skill. I like that we bring our experiences with us when we make choices.

Begin to find places in your writing where you can break up your thoughts (paragraphs)--this gives your reader a moment to process what they've read and make decisions about it.

Very good work.

skoot said...

I really like Courtney's perception of integrity. I never would have thought to look into it that deep, but the more i think about it, the more i realize that a person is not born with integrity, but he or she develops it over time.